Outreach and Science Communication
Elementary Outreach
I frequently do independent outreach with classrooms around the country. This began in 2006 when I was invited by my own 3rd grade teacher to present to her students on my experiences pursuing marine biology. I returned to present to that third grade classroom every year for a decade until my former teacher's retirement. I've expanded my audiences both in person and online through the Skype a Scientist program and now regularly present to several classes a year of all age groups or situations (I'm happy to talk to home school groups, summer camps, groups of interested adults, or whoever wants to learn!). My presentation can be adapted to discuss any component of my research experiences, my journey to becoming a marine biologist, and/or teachers' current curriculum and can be adapted for Spanish-speaking audiences but always includes stories about my adventures in marine science and the importance of STEM education. My favorite part is answering all the amazing questions students have and I always leave lots of time to hear their thoughts after my talk. If you're interested in having me speak to your group, please reach out. I'm making extra time for outreach efforts during the pandemic.

ETEAMS (Elementary Teachers Engaged in Authentic Math and Science
Fall 2013-Fall 2016
ETEAMS was an NSF-funded math and science partnership program at TAMUCC designed to provide 4th-8th grade teachers a deeper appreciation of science. My primary responsibility on the project was to manage pre- and in-service teachers engaged in authentic summer science experiences. This included mentoring approximately 40 teachers on my own research projects and leading events where participants learned field sampling techniques. Throughout the academic year, I helped teachers design and implement hands-on math and science activities based on these experiences in their classrooms. One of my most powerful experiences with ETEAMS involved using my rusty Spanish to translate lessons for monolingual students and seeing their faces light up as they were able to engage in the activity, an experience I appreciate even more after my time living in Mexico on the other side of a language barrier. I am grateful for the experience and appreciation ETEAMS has given me for engaging diverse audiences in STEM.
3MT® Three Minute Thesis Competition
The Three Minute Thesis Competition challenges graduate students to summarize their thesis or dissertation research in a way that is accessible to a non-scientific audience in 3 minutes or less. I competed in TAMUCC's first annual doctoral 3MT competition, explaining my research on how oysters can adapt their shells when they smell crabs to reduce their chances of being eaten as well as the importance of oyster health for humans. I was thrilled to win this competition and compete at the regional competition, where I received high marks.